Sep 14,2020
In September we celebrate Grandparents day, but did you know that September is National Intergenerational month? This designation offers us a time to bring old and young together in a positive way and celebrate each generation.
Elder-Well® programs honor the need for our seniors to connect with the younger generations. Adults with a dementia diagnosis or living with another form of a cognitive impairment show positive emotional wellness after interacting with children. We host events that bring younger generations into our program and schedule outings to attend community presentations involving children of all ages.
Interacting with older adults helps young people develop communication skills and positive attitudes about aging, encourages tolerance and dispels stereotypes of seniors with disabilities.
Both the elders and the children experience positive social-emotional benefits from an intergenerational activity. New friends, new experiences and a sense of purposefully interaction with society.
Contact Elder-Well® to learn more about our intergenerational activities.
Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding our services or to schedule a visit.