Seeking a career in senior care? Passionate about making a difference? Learn more about owning your own Elder-Well Day Center!

Aug 30, 2024

The landscape of senior care is evolving, with an increasing emphasis on holistic approaches that address the physical, emotional, and social needs of older adults. For those passionate about providing comprehensive, compassionate care, opening a holistic adult day care business can be a deeply rewa...

Aug 20, 2024

Adult day centers meet the criteria for impact investing by providing essential services that enhance the quality of life for seniors, offering measurable social benefits, and operating with sustainable business models that generate financial returns while prioritizing community well-being. Here ...

Aug 10, 2024

In today's world, there's a growing demand for businesses that not only generate profit but also create positive social impact. Social entrepreneurship has emerged as a powerful force for addressing social issues and improving communities. For those passionate about making a difference, becoming a s...

Aug 01, 2024

Have you ever thought about starting a business that not only benefits your community but also enriches the lives of those you serve? Are you considering entrepreneurship with a focus on social responsibility? Owning an Elder-Well® Adult Day Program embodies the principles of being a socially re...

Jul 30, 2024

In today's digital age, technology has become an invaluable ally in supporting the independence of individuals living with dementia. Innovative tools and devices are transforming dementia care, making daily tasks more manageable and enhancing the overall quality of life. Let's explore the various wa...

Jul 20, 2024

For individuals living with dementia, memory loss can be one of the most challenging aspects to manage. Forgetfulness can disrupt daily routines and diminish a sense of independence. However, memory aids and reminders can play a pivotal role in enhancing daily functioning, boosting confidence, and p...

Jul 10, 2024

Supporting independence for those living with dementia is essential for maintaining their dignity, self-esteem, and quality of life. Adaptive tools and aids play a crucial role in achieving this by making daily tasks more manageable and promoting a sense of autonomy. Here’s a look at some innovati...

Jul 01, 2024

Maintaining a sense of independence is crucial for individuals living with dementia. Involving them in household chores and responsibilities can foster this independence, providing a sense of purpose and boosting their self-esteem. Here are some practical ways to include dementia patients in everyda...

Jun 21, 2024

As the sun rises on June 21, marking the summer solstice, it brings with it the longest day of the year. This day is symbolic for many reasons, but for those affected by Alzheimer’s disease, it carries a profound significance. The Alzheimer's Association has designated this day as "The Longest Day...

Jun 19, 2024

Maintaining brain health is crucial for reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month is the perfect time to focus on proactive steps we can take to protect our cognitive health. Tips for Brain Health Stay Physically Active: Regular exercise increases bl...