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Adult Day Programs Support the Rhythm of Life for those living with a Dementia or Alzheimer’s diagnosis

Dec 15,2021

Supporting the “rhythm of life” for those living with a memory impairment should be considered a vital part of their care plan.  What is the rhythm of life?  It is a routine sense of familiarity of our days and life happenings, including:

  • Morning, afternoon, and night routines
  • Social engagements
  • Holiday and family celebrations
  • Exercise and relaxation
  • Preparing and sharing meals
  • Philanthropy activities
  • Learning and achieving 

Anyone who experiences a disruption in their daily lives and routines or when events that we enjoy and celebrate each year no longer happen, it causes stress, anxiety, and sadness.   For those with Dementia or Alzheimer’s, these effects can cause extreme disruption in their lives and the lives of their primary caregivers.  Often, increased confusion, agitation, sleep disturbance, poor nutrition and hydration, and depression occur.

Restoring and creating a “new and improved” rhythm of life, which includes memory support and failure-free activities can help alleviate many of these negative consequences.  Adult Day Care Programs that specialize in Dementia care is one resource that families can partner with to achieve the best days possible for their loved ones and themselves.  

Visit our Facebook page to see just how adult day provides the important services that make a supportive, fun, and fulfilling day for those in need of a “new and improved” rhythm of life!

Interested in opening your own Adult Day Center? We can help you achieve that!  Franchise Territories available, contact us at or visit our business opportunities website at